May 27, 2024

El Nino/La Nina Recap

Richard Cronin

Just recapping the major years for the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).

2016 - 2017, Strong La Niña

2018 - 2019, Great Puny El Niño (that’s really the name it was given)

2020 - 2023 Very strong, record breaking La Niña. Savage drought in Khalifornistan and U.S. Southwest

Jan. 15, 2022 was Tonga Hunga submarine volcanic eruption. Steam vaporizer was turned to max. setting.

Winter through 2024 — ski resorts buried, mudslides in Khalifornistan, cold rain across Mid-Atlantic states.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:58 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Antarctic Sea Ice Trends

Scott Snell

From the National Snow and Ice Data Center, a short video showing maximum sea ice extent from 1979-2023. Again, the red line shows the statistical average value over that interval. And once again, if there's a downward trend, I'm not seeing it.

For those who think the planet is about to burst into flame, think again. We have major, permanent ice caps on both poles. This is quite rare in earth history. In fact, at this exact moment, our planet is colder than it has been for about 95 percent of its history. On a 7-point scale, with 1 being extreme "hothouse" and 7 being severe "icehouse," Earth currently rates about a 6.75.

For the last 2.5 million years, we have been in an ice age, the coldest period in at least 250 million years. We probably haven't even bottomed out yet, so the worst is still to come. In all likelihood, millions of years of glacial conditions lie ahead.

By an accident of fate, we happen to be alive during a rare "interglacial" period, a brief interval of relative warmth. This particular interglacial, the Holocene ("wholly recent,") began about 12,000 years ago. But overall temperatures peaked about 6000 years ago and have been declining since, with occasional interruptions such as our current period of warming. At the current rate, the return of glacial conditions is only a couple thousand years away.

The next glacial cycle is a statistical certainty and overdue. The last thing we need to worry about are a couple of degrees of warmth.

So enjoy this little warm spell while it lasts, because it won't. And when the ice does come back, our remote descendants will look back on this balmy epoch with envy.

March Arctic Sea Ice Extent 1979 to 2023

Roy W. Spencer observes:

The concern isn't wintertime sea ice. It's always exceeding cold there in winter. It's the late summer meltback that has a long-term downward trend. Not that *I* think it's a problem... just saying what the concern is among the hand-wringers.

Scott Snell replies:

I know this. But if we think it through, a real warming trend, one to worry about, would also affect winter ice.

Tim adds:

I do not understand the summer meltback. The Antarctic is still cold enough that anything inside the Antarctic convergence shouldn't melt - sea or land - any more now than it had. If the sea ice is melting the land ice should do likewise and we know EAIS isn't melting. Warm water has a tough time getting through the circumpolar current, wich is deep and wide. I think this sea-ice melt is better explained by undersea volcanism. Am I wrong?

Bjørn K Vottestad adds:

The ice has been melting for 300 years...

Changes in Barents Sea Ice Edge Positions in the Last 442 Years.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:44 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Statins and Covid

Jerry S Rainforth

This from the Epoch Times:

Statins and COVID-19

Statin drugs lower cholesterol, especially what is called "bad” low-density lipoproteins (LDL) that carry cholesterol to our cells. Statins have been among the most common prescriptions in the United States for decades. In 2013, the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommended that everyone between the ages of 65 and 75 who were at elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (nearly everyone) be prescribed a statin drug. Then, by 2019, statins were a $10 billion market, and over 92 million people—35 percent of the U.S. population—mostly older adults, were taking statin drugs. This number was a threefold increase from the previous decade. By 2020, the United States ranked sixth in the world in per capita statin use.
So in 2019, the American public was about as saturated with statins as we had ever been.

Setting the Stage for COVID Vulnerability
The average age at death due to COVID-19 was 81, which was two to three years beyond the U.S. life expectancy at that time, so COVID-19 very disproportionately affected seniors, especially those with obesity, Type 2 diabetes, smoking, and more than two comorbidities.
COVID morbidity and mortality in the United States far exceeded worldwide numbers. The United States has 4 percent of the world’s population, but 33 percent of the world’s deaths from COVID-19. The United States also had by far the greatest number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases of any country—over 103 million—followed by India at 44 million. The United States had 1.1 million deaths attributed to COVID-19.

Epoc Times

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:20 AM | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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May 24, 2024

Light Blogging Over Weekend

Timothy Birdnow

Hey gang; not much blogging over the weekend. I have a  lot of fun stuff happening and won't have much time to run the blog.


Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:26 AM | Comments (4) | Add Comment
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Scott to Run for Senate Leadership

Timothy Birdnow

Rick  Scott, the Wishy Washy WINO, wants to run for Mitch "the Bitch" McConnell's leadership spot.

Not sure how I feel about that. Scott is more conservative than Mcdaddy, but not by much. And he's got a rubber spine.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:24 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Feds May Have Had "Originals" Seized at Mar-A-Lago

Timothy Birdnow

The Obama Administrration already had copies of the documents seized at Mar-A-Lago and may well have planted evidence as a result.

America First Legal (AFL), a conservative legal group, released Thursday what it says is a newly unearthed memo from the Obama administration Department of Defense "confirming the government may have already had originals of the alleged classified documents involved in Special Counsel Jack Smith’s sham prosecution against President Trump."

Increasingly it looks like this whole thing was a trap for Trump.
The document, titled Memorandum of Understanding Entered into by Presidential Information Technology Community Entities, is from 2015, and followed an October 2014 Russian breach of the Executive Office of the President’s network. Then-President Barack Obama took executive action to create the Presidential Information Technology Community (PITC) to better protect the executive branch from such attacks, according to AFL.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:22 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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The CIA Took Over Twitter

Timothy Birdnow

We all knew it but now it's largely been proven; the CIA took control of Twitter prior to Musk's purchase of the social media giant.

But now, a new Twitter Files investigation reveals that a member of the Board of Trustees of the CIA’s mission-driven venture capital firm and ostensibly "former” IC and CIA analysts were involved in a 2021-2022 effort to take over Twitter’s content management system.

The effort also involved:

— a long-time IC contractor and senior Department of Defense R&D official who spent years developing technologies to detect whistleblowers ("insider threats”) like Edward Snowden and Wikileaks’ leakers;

— the proposed head of the DHS’ aborted Disinformation Governance Board, Nina Jankowicz, who aided US military and NATO "hybrid war” operations in Europe;

— Jim Baker, who, as FBI General Counsel, helped start the Russiagate hoax, and, as Twitter’s Deputy General Counsel, urged Twitter executives to censor The New York Post story about Hunter Biden.

These existing or former IC employees, contractors, or intermediaries weren’t satisfied with simply controlling Twitter. They also wanted to use PayPal, Amazon Web Services, and GoDaddy in a totalizing effort to de-platform, de-monetize, and excommunicate from the Internet entirely those individuals that the IC et al. deems to be a threat.

There is much that we still do not know about the effort. We do not know if officials within the CIA or any other IC organization ran the operation. It is possible that the only individuals involved in the effort were the ones we discovered. And none of the individuals involved responded to our request for information except for one.

But thousands of pages of Twitter Files and documents contained therein paint a clear picture of an organized operation by existing or former IC employees and contractors, using well-established IC tradecraft, to take control of Twitter’s content moderation.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:17 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Californeye Spy

Timothy Birdnow

so Blue states are now losing revenue from lost gas taxes as a result of the rise of EV'sand they don't like it. So now they have a new scheme.

They want to spy on Americans by tracking mileage via surveillance cameras and GPS systems.

From Fox Business:

California, which relies on gas tax and other fuel tax revenues to support its roadway maintenance, is piloting the idea of a "road charge," which would charge drivers based on the number of miles they drive rather than how much gas they purchase. The pilot program was initiated due to the fact that the collection of gas tax revenue is estimated to decrease in the coming years, according to the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA).

CalSTA officials told FOX Business that a bill, signed in 2021, established the pilot program to test the potential feasibility of alternative ways they can pay to maintain the state’s roads, which the agency said could even "show a net savings for some motorists under certain circumstances."


California will do anything to seize money that isn't theirs, and to avoid just leaving the public alone. It never occurs to these dopes that the cars and trucks on the road are contributing to the state's economy.

But the big thing is this is a trial balloon to see if they can get it. They want to be able to track the movement of the citizenry, and control it. That has always been the dream of the Left. And this will get more people onto mass transit, another of their fondest dreams.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:54 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Biden Depletes the STrategic Petroleum Reserve

Diane Kimura

Biden's decision to release more barrels of oil from the strategic reserve is aimed at addressing the soaring gas prices.

Interestingly, this move follows Trump's thwarted attempt to restock oil at $24 per barrel. With the current price standing at $85/barrel, the average cost of a gallon of gas has surged by 51% under the Biden administration.

The SPR was set up from our WW I experiences under a similarly hapless bombast Wilson to address proactively wartime needs for oil since America's allies for the most part could be readily cut off from their oil sources (and would be in WWII when the US supplied nearly all of the Allies majority of oil.)

Biden squandering this very costly US asset to buy votes with briefly reduced gasoline prices, as part of his foolish vote-buying efforts like illegally paying off student debts at $165 billion so far is so ill-considered when he keeps stumbling the US towards major wars in Ukraine, Iran, Taiwan, etc. that would consume the full strategic reserve (based on many decades old consumption assumptions) in a few months.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:31 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Truth and the Fauc

Diane Kimura

A top aide to Dr. Anthony Fauci on Wednesday revealed a number of bombshell revelations about the National Institutes of Health’s cover-up of its activities during the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. David Morens received a bipartisan grilling from House members, including an exchange with Rep. Kweise Mfume (D-MD) when the Democratic congressman told Morens that "I think you’re going to be haunted by your testimony today.

Committee Chair Republican Ohio Rep. Brad Wenstrup also confronted Morens on his discussion of a "back channel” to Dr. Fauci.

"On April 21, 2021, you wrote ‘I can either send stuff to Tony [Fauci] on his private e-mail or hand it to him at work or at his house,’” Wenstrup read. "On May 13, 2021, you wrote that you connected a reporter to Dr. Fauci via your ‘secret backchannel.’ What backchannel did you have for Dr. Fauci?”

Morens unseriously claimed that everything in the emails were "just jokes.”

"All these terms like secret backchannel and the other one you mentioned were just jokes. Jokes that I made in dealing with Peter [Daszak] because he was under death threats and very depressed,” Morens replied.

No one was laughing.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:57 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 23, 2024

RNC on Lockdown

Timothy Birdnow

The RNC headquarters was recently locked down when vials of blood were found on the premesis.

RNC Headquarters near Capitol Hill is currently being evacuated. Reports of a suspicious package with hazmat teams and a large police presence on Capitol Hill.

— Global Press (@GlobalPressCorp) May 22, 2024

Would anyone be surprised at a biological attack, what with the hysteria ginned up by the Democrats and the media?

Just wait and see what happens if Trump is acquitted of all the charges he's facing and is elected President!

I suspect the FBI won't put as much effort into solving this as they did in catching the J6 Capitol tourists.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 09:03 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Scott Snell

On the subject of climate change, we are told that Antarctica is rapidly melting, with the likely result that sea levels will soon rise by many feet, inundating coastal cities.

Antarctica is the planet's coldest, driest, highest, most inhospitable continent. It's difficult to stress just exactly how freakishly cold Antarctica really is. It's average annual temperature is about-45F. In winter the temperature frequently plunges below -100F. A "hot" summer day is -20F.

Antarctica's most obvious feature is that it is permanently, entirely covered with ice, but for a few square miles along the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula that lose snow cover during the brief summer. The average thickness of this ice is about 10,000 feet, or nearly two miles.

The ice is not static, but rather flows downhill, slowly, until it reaches the sea. There it forms ice shelves. These grow and retreat with the seasons, but basically never, ever go away entirely.

Here is a short video from the National Snow and Ice Data Center showing maximum ice extent from 1979 to 2022. Maximum extent typically occurs in September at the end of the Austral winter. The red line represents the statistically average value. If there is a downward trend I'm sure not seeing it.

Fact check that, you nitwits!

September Antarctic Sea Ice Extent 1979 to 2022

Tim adds:

Yep. Way too cold for the ice to be melting. The ice shelf collapse is much like a fingernail that has grown too long and breaks off. Ice shelf collapse is of no consequence (especially since the ice shelves in question float on water and thus make no real difference to sea levels.)

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:57 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Now We Know Why

Jim Church

CNN reports: the information coming out of Rafah surprises even the Israeli intelligence: "there is a tunnel under every other house in Rafah"

It’s clear now why they did all they could not to let the Israelis go into Rafah!

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:56 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Ethics Complaint Against Hush Trump Judge

Timothy Birdnow

Elise Stefanik has filed an ethics violation complaint against the "hanging judge" Juan Merchan for his conflicts of interest and his biased handling of the Trump "hush money" trial.

I just filed an official judicial complaint with the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct against Acting Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan for his clear violation of the Rules of Judicial Conduct for the New York State Unified Court System due to his family…

— Elise Stefanik (@EliseStefanik) May 21, 2024

"The naked corruption on display in Judge Merchan’s courtroom isn’t only a threat to President Trump, but a threat to our justice system and democracy. It is election interference for financial gain and cannot be tolerated. Judge Merchan should have recused himself, but since he’s refused, he must be held accountable for his judicial misconduct,” she wrote.

The text of the complaint noted that Merchan’s daughter is president of Authentic Campaigns, which represents Democratic politicians and has sought to use the trial over which her father presides as a vehicle for raising money for Democrats.

"His family’s wealth is directly tied to attacking President Trump,” Stefanik alleged.

Stefanik cited court system rules that say "a judge is disqualified from a case when the judge knows that a person known by the judge to be within the sixth degree of relationship to him ‘has an interest that could be substantially affected by the proceeding.’”

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:54 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Oregon Counties Seek to Secede

Timothy Birdnow

Developing: 13 Conservative Counties in Progressive Oregon Approve Measure for Secession

I believe the Oregon state legislature would have to approve the break - and then the U.S. Congress. Not holding my breath. Illinois has been trying to partition for years. So has Colorado.

What these counties seek is not a new state but to join the more conservative, less insane Idaho.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 08:37 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Double Standard

Diane M. Kimura

Trump allegedly not disclosing payments to a woman is apparently election interference.


Wiretapping a Presidential candidate is acceptable.

Raiding his home and authorizing deadly force is acceptable.

Arresting his allies for ridiculous crimes is acceptable.

Spending millions to investigate him for "collusion” is acceptable.

Arresting his personal attorney and then threatening his family with prison if he doesn’t flip is acceptable.

Changing state laws in New York so he can be sued is acceptable.

Working with the media to perpetuate a false narrative is acceptable.

Working with tech companies to silence his supporters is acceptable.

Putting him under a gag order during a campaign is acceptable.

Allowing a judge who donated to his opponent to preside over his case is acceptable.

The FBI using props to release pictures to make him look bad is acceptable.

Tim adds:

This will continue until the GOP replies in kind. Republican prosecutors are going to have to start moving against Biden and the rest of these creeps in like fashion. Nobody ever dared do what they are doing out of fear - mutual assured destruction. The Democrats launched the big one and now Republicans are cowaring in the shadows hoping not be get hit. I actually heard a Republican Congressman say "we don't want to retaliate because we don't want to escalate this" as if the Democrats haven't already crossed the Rubicon.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 07:15 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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May 22, 2024

What's So Bad AboutPopulism?

Richard Cronin

In a recent debate at Oxford, with Nancy Pelosi’s participation, the debate proposition was: "Is Populism a threat to Democracy ?” Former Speaker Pelosi stood on the side favoring the Proposition. That is, she holds that Populism is a threat to Democracy.

Winston Marshall stood in the Opposition describing in detail the failures of the Global Elites who have accrued great wealth through financial manipulation and favoritism (specifically, the bank bailout in 2007, under Dubya) as they also asserted abusive political powers. He cited how Donald Trump, a dedicated Capitalist, Entrepreneur, Nationalist, and Right-side Populist stood opposite from Bernie Sanders, a Left-side Populist and life-long Socialist who never held a private sector job in his life.

The Democrats will say "Ohh, no, no, no…… Bernie Sanders is on the fringe. He’s not even a Democrat. He’s an Independent who caucuses with us. He doesn’t really represent the centrist thinking of REAL Democrats. We have always worked across the aisle. We compromise and cooperate.”

So there you have it. Two Populists. One of them a consistent Socialist and crackpot vs. a Capitalist and Nationalist. Standing on the sidelines are hand wringing Democrats and old school Republicans who have been turned out by the Deplorables.

Tim adds:

What is the definition of populism? I'll bet they never defined it. Instead they simply tossed the phrase out there with dark undertones to make it sound sinister.

The Encyclopedia Brittanica describes it as:

"Populism, political program or movement that champions, or claims to champion, the common person, by contrast with a real or perceived elite"

So how is that dangerous? It is "populism" because it is, uh, popular. That is the essence of democracy, something the Democrats tout (it's even their name) and yet now they reject it as a danger to "democracy". How so? It is the very essence of democracy.

As is pointed out here, there are all flavors of populists, from socialist populists to right wing populists. The only thing they all have in common is they support and pander to the majority and not the elites in power.

Sounds to me like exactly what the Democratic Party always claimed they wanted.

Strange how Populism was good when it was Harry Truman or Jimmy Carter and now it's bad when it's Donald Trump.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 11:30 AM | Comments (7) | Add Comment
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Israel Raids AP Offices

Clarice Feldman

Open Source Intel



Israeli police have raided the offices of
news and confiscated all broadcasting equipment, citing violations of a new law prohibiting Al Jazeera broadcasts from Israel. Despite a prior warning, AP ignored the directive.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:59 AM | No Comments | Add Comment
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Almost Half of Americans Won't Deport

Timothy Birdnow

This is scary. almost half of Americans polled by Rasmussen want amnesty for the invading aliens or were undecided about deportation based on how they will vote.

Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants or Mass Deportations?

This should not have even be close. Americans are living in a world of illusion.


The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if given a choice between two candidates, one of whom favored granting amnesty to illegal aliens and one of whom favored deporting all illegal aliens, 52% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the candidate who favored deportation. Thirty-six percent (36%) would vote for the candidate who favored amnesty, while 12% are undecided.

The survey of 1,072 U.S. Likely Voters was conducted on May 12-14, 2024 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research.

Hat tip: Tom Sassi

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:53 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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Deadly Force Authorized at mar-a-Lago

Timothy Birdnow

They were ready to KILL Trump at Mar-a-Lago, and any Secret Service who got in the way.

FBI Authorized Deadly Force in Mar-a-Lago Raid - Todd Starnes

You don't do that unless you have something huge you want to hide.

Posted by: Timothy Birdnow at 10:19 AM | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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